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The Baby’s Peaceful Sleep Inducer
is a new state of the art baby crib mobile that adjusts its music, lights and movements to soothe baby to sleep using sensors. It gently sways, plays music and displays a show of soft colorful lights that get softer and quieter according to baby’s slower movements to lull them in to a restful sleep and then automatically shuts itself off when it detects baby is asleep. If at any time baby wakes during the night, the sensors picks up their movements and activates dim lights to calm baby. This crib mobile can saves many new parents from restless nights tending to a baby that won’t sleep through the night. Get a little peace of mind and make sure you and your baby get a good night’s rest with help from The Baby’s Peaceful Sleep Inducer

Get a look at The Baby’s Peaceful Sleep Inducer
crib mobile in action in the video below and then head on over to Hammacher Schlemmer
to order yours today for better sleep for baby… and yourself! 🙂
What are your best tricks for putting your baby to sleep and getting them to sleep through the entire night? We love to hear from you, let us know in the comments below!